Above: Family Plaques| Birdseye Maple
CRaymondArt LLC

Signature Sculpture
5' x 17" Plywood and acrylics
5' x 17" Plywood and acrylics
Wooden Bowls
Black Walnut w/Mahogany & Canarywood And Black Walnut and Hard Maple
Beer Tap Handles
Hard Maple, Brass |
Oyster Knives
Bolivian Rosewood, Zircote & Black Walnut |

Delaware State Golf Association Logo 4' x 1'-6"
Ash, Mahogany & Maple
Hockessin, DE.
Inspirational Plaques
Brazillian Cherry, Mahogany
Brazillian Cherry, Mahogany
Cutting/Cheese Boards
Various Hardwoods
Various Hardwoods
iPhone Cases
Painter's Palette
Mahogany, Oak plywood, Holly
Mahogany, Oak plywood, Holly
Pistol Case
Walnut, Tiger Maple w/Padauk & Holly accents
Walnut, Tiger Maple w/Padauk & Holly accents
Herringbone Picture Frame
Walnut, Mahogany & Birdseye Maple
Walnut, Mahogany & Birdseye Maple

Rocking Horse
Douglas Fir
Picture Frames
Poplar, handpainted w/Acrylics
Poplar, handpainted w/Acrylics

Military Coin display board
Poplar and White Oak
Poplar and White Oak
Interclub Golf Championship Trophy
Black Walnut and Mahogany
Black Walnut and Mahogany